Gratulerer med dagen!

Happy b-day dear college, happy b-day to youuuuu :-)
Today, the college had a celebration of its 10th birthday. A lot of prominent guests, and of course in the middle of everything - Queen Sonja...
Sounds good, right? well.. I love this tiny rainy spot on Earth (and so does Karina who's sitting here with me right now, btw it's 1:30 and we have been chatting, watching movies and eating for the whole evening... well it's our birthday as well :-)) and it drives me crazy to see that we have to behave so differently just because of all those guys coming over. Everything was sooo pretentious!
The only thing I actually really liked was the show in the auditorium, performing arts people are giving the best of themselves no matter who is sitting in the audience.
The Art room had to be cleaned, because the Queen was gonna come in. Clean art room? Since when???
Everybody was wearing their national costumes... Well, I don't have the Czech one so I decided to wear a traditional dress from Cambodia. Actually, I have a personal Cambodian first year, since there is no Czech I decided to adopt someone :-) Btw, the confused person in the picture is me running away from the cake-eating with Her Majesty. ;-)
On Tuesday the crazy Swede Per and I are off to the UWC International Council in Singapore. We still have quite a bit to do... but I am quite excited about going! I hope I will survive the flight and the time and temperature changes and also the responsibility lying on my shoulders... Cross your fingers for me :-)
Since Karina is falling asleep and having a sleepover is bad, we have to stop here :-)
god natt(norsky)/dobrou noc(på tsjekkisk)
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