Thomas and Cheryl in the Czech Republic

aka the land of low prices, post soviet regime and old buildings.. haha :-)
here are a few pics. Most of them taken by thomas.
It was nice to have them over. We went to a pub, visited some sights and went to Prague for a couple of days. Learning to say Czech words wasn't very easy for them, but I must say they managed very well (Cheryl is brilliant at even spelling the word "slivovice"which is, for those who are not eastern european or havent visited this corner of the world yet, a kind of alcohol.. distilled plums, basically."you get the drift").We went to loads of tea houses. Cheryl and Thomas could enjoy "proper" Chinese tea and I could just relax in a non-smoking envt. which doesn't really exist in Chotebor, my hometown. Btw, thomas and cheryl fell in love with my tiny (about a meter high) teddybear.. :-)
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