-If I was a fish I would drown.-

Friday, January 27, 2006

Animal gallows

Terrible title, I know. I know...But!
Guess what happened last night. Thomas came to visit me and while we were talking and I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing, and suddenly I looked up and my bed looked like an animal graveyard! Thomas hung up all my soft toys all around my bed and they looked pathetic :-/ But in the end, it was a funny story, but it really did look freaky in the beginning. Too bad that I was too shocked to take any pictures.
Today I walked to Flekke with Cheryl and Tonje. I must say it was extremely nice. Sun was shining and we had a nice talk. We did a bit of shopping in the famous flekke shop and then got back to THEIR beloved Denmark house and concluded our BIG trip with one O.C. episode, a pack of chilli nuts and a couple of cookies. Perfect. Back to "THE O.C." episode (btw, I am NOT getting adicted to THE O.C. :-)) - we watched the episode Countdown in season one and it really reminded me of my New Year's Eve 2004/2005. Well.. it's over.
Btw, the Sexuality Forum was great, in my eyes at least. I am happy to live in a place, when a gay teacher can speak openly about his sexuality and where noone has to be ashamed for who they are.
All for today..
Shine on :-)


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