Tea room.

I have started writing dots at the end of sentences. Now and then I even do that on MSN. I have taken this habit from Thomas. A bit weird at first. But now and then I feel like putting the full stop...
I love tea. It reminds me of so many chats in my life. And it has this Flekke magic. A lot of my second years end their letters/emails with "drink loads of tea and go on a lot of walks around the fjord". In a couple of months, I will be saying the same to my first years. Tea here is not only a good way how to kill pathogens, warm yourself up.. but it is a brilliant way how to warm up your soul. Talking with friends. Friends who are not friends for a week or a months. Not even for two years. We see each other for a limited period of time. But our friendship is timeless. I realize how much this cliche becomes true. I miss you, second years. I wish I could have a cup of tea with you now. Instead, I am going to go around the fjord and end up in Snikkarbua.
Thinking of you...
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