-If I was a fish I would drown.-

Friday, May 12, 2006

Dancing in the moonlight

Last night, I was sitting by the fjord until about 2 a.m. One of our second years is here (Niko/Germany) and we were talking about how it is to leave this place and to come back to the 'big world'.
Quite a sad talk. Full of good points (mostly coming from Niko, though :-))... But somehow, this all leaves me more aware of what I'm gonna go through, but I don't feel more prepared.
We were talking about my summer and all the things I am planning to do in summer in order to make my 'come-back' easier... And Niko told me an interesting thing:
"Make sure you want to have a good summer, but moreover, make sure that doesn't become the driving force."
How true.
It's hard for me to write things down these days. Every emotion that I have seems to be too complex to name with an ordinary word and impossible to cope with within the limits of sanity.

The moon last night was amazing, so big, round...
It reminds me of a Norwegian song and those of you who've gone through Norwegian ab initio with Kare, will perhaps smile a bit:
Grisen står og hyler i den stille kveld
Han skal ikkje slaktast men hyler likevel
Fir'og tjue kråker sit på ein madrass
Endå ei vil sitje men det er ikkje plass

Månen står og lyser, rund og feit og kvit...

I'll just have to learn to live in some sort of a sweet melancholy, searching for madness in whoever I may come across.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Po dlouhe dobe jsem zase zpet...

Ahoj! :-)
Omlouvam se za tak velike zpozdeni, ale maturita, velikonoce a navsteva rodicu mi zabraly vsechen volny cas a blog byl na samem konci 'priority listu'.
Tady je par fotecek z minuleho vikendu, kdy jsem spolecne s Biritou (Fajerske Ostrovy), Cheryl (Hong Kong) a Rudym (Guatemala) vyrobila bannery IB go home (IB je nazev nasi maturity) a JUMP! (na skole je tradice skocit do fjordu po posledni zkousce) a vyvesili jsme je nad studentskou vesnici.
Libi? ---> add a comment
Ze zkousek uz mi chybi jen norstina, takze v pondeli skocim do ledoveho fjordu a za necelych deset dni pote se vratim do ceske kotliny...

IB go home pics

Thursday, March 30, 2006

takk til alle

thanks everyone who altered their msn nicks to 'happy birthday, vera' or sth along those lines. it's really nice to have birthday here and thanks to everyone who cares :-) you brought sunshine to this slushy day ...

Narozeninova sprcha

Tak dneskem pocinaje jsem vstoupila do sveta devatenactiletych :-) College tradice me neminuly, i kdyz se vsechno odehralo trochu vtipneji, nez bych ocekavala. Tradici je vzit oslavence o pulnoci do budovy jmenem hoegh, osprchovat ho a zazpivat svetoznamy nestarnouci slagr happy birthday :-) kolem jedenacte se na me vrhla Karina, Boris a Tiina: ’kdybys ciste teoreticky mela narozeninovou party, koho bys tam chtela mit?’ a byl mi predhozen ’ciste teoreticky’ seznam lidi.. par jsem pridala.. a netusila co se bude dit dal.
Kratce pred pulnoci me Nana (spolubydlici) vzala na delsi prochazku a pak me dovedla do Hoeghu… Uplne me to vzalo.. bylo tam tolik lidi!! Nejprv vsichni zazpivali happy b-day, nacez me Boris a Cheryl nahnali do sprchy a poradne jsem to odnesla.. a zatimco se ke me valili davy gratulantu a objimali me, tak mi v pozadi kamaradi zpivali cesky Kravy, kravy, jak si vlastne povidate :-)
Pak jsem dostala spoustu pranicek, svicek, cokolad.. a jeden specialni darek z finland house c. 203 – kamaradim tam se ctyrma z peti kluku.. a obcas kdyz prijdu, tak mame takovej souboj, vetsinou prohraju a skoncim na zemi a oni na me splichaji sve parfemy.. takze pak smrdim jako nejakej dzentlmen :-) K narozeninam jsem od nich dostala SVOJI VLASTNI salu navonenou vsema parfemama, ktere v pokoji nasli a ted ji mam povinne tyden nosit.. no potes.. jsem zvedava, kdy omdlim :-)
Zitra(ctvrtek) me pry ceka ta teoreticka party.. vsichni dneska v hoeghu rikali, ze tahle oslava byla jen spicka ledovce.. tak vazne nevim, co mam cekat.
Na pokoji me cekalo hafo kokosovych kouli a obrovitanske prani, asi ho prilepim na strop, na zdi uz nemam misto :-D
Ted sedim s Thomasem v ucebne matiky a pracujeme na nasich seminarkach do rozvojovych studii.. uz me to docela vytaci.. snad to brzy dokoncim, i kdyz teda konec v nedohlednu..
Zitra ma svitit slunicko.. juhuu :-) a taky cekam maly paklik z domova.. juhuu :-)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

That's the sound of your brain cracking!

Yup.. my brain is about to fall apart. I have one more IA to do (d.studies) and it drives me crazy, so much work, so much time and on top of everything it's quite boring. Well, at least I'm done with my orals. yay! :-)
The campus has been re-invaded by a group of our second years. I wasn't really close to any of them, so it felt quite awkward seeing them again, but when I think about it, it's quite nice. This contradiction of emotions: feels like it's been ages since I cried when they were leaving on a bus to Oslo and leaving on jet planes, but at the same time it feels like if they've never left this place. But one thing remains the same. They are still taller.. :-)

Friday, March 24, 2006

long time, no see

i'm back.
just to say that.
i hate the ib monster. and i hate some other things too. stress, most of all.
as monthy python would say..
Always look on the bright side of life..
stay tuned

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hyvää Suomi vs. Heja Sverige

What Czech would I be, if I didn't drop a few lines about ice-hockey in the Olympics? :-)
My beloved country won bronze medals, when they beat Russia 3:0.. today is the great final between the two nordic countries - sweden and finland. The campus has turned into an anti-Finnish and anti-Swedish fight.. both sides have come up with a bunch of pranks for the other side.. and it seems like the only people who find it funny are the countries that are out of the ice-hockey tournament.. (e.g. Emily and I :-))
Well.. let's see how it goes. My Finnish roomie has taken virtually everything which is either blue or white and dressed herself up :-)
Mocks are coming, I haven't studied much.. and I hope it's not gonna be a fiasco as our match against Sweden (we lost 7:3!! we sucked big time :-( )
Now back to mitosis, meiosis and all that...

Monday, February 20, 2006

Recky salat, kafe s cinskyma hulkama a radio Vysocina

Ahoj :-)
Po dlouhe dobe jsem zase tu. Minuly tyden jsem stravila dnem a noci nad psanim jedne velike prace, jsem rada, ze uz to mam z krku. Mam plno novinek, ale o tech se snad rozepisu pozdeji...
Tyhle dny je olympiada, sleduji pouze po internetu.. a snad se hokejistum bude darit vice nez do ted.
Dnesni noc travim s kamaradkama Cheryl a Sannou (Finsko) nad portfoliem do matiky. Je to opravdu tezke..., takze jime recky salat, co zbyl od vecere, pijeme nescafe (nekam se podely lzicky, takze to michame cinskejma hulkama) a poslouchame radio vysocina online, protoze to bylo cherylino oblibene, kdyz jsme byli spolu s thomasem v cesku...
Ponekud zvlastni situace, kazdopadne si to (az na tu matiku ;-)) nesmirne uzivam..
pozdravy z norska...