-If I was a fish I would drown.-

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Have you ever heard the sound? Of your head in the ground..?

Another few random lines from a song by Tracy Bonham. I have been listening to her songs quite a bit lately and I like the lyrics.. although they sound a bit weird when they are placed out of context. But it works like that with just about anything. Things are not the same without their environment.
there is so much going on in my life that I probably can't even remember it all at once. and perhaps I even don't want to. I have loads of meetings today. On one hand, it's really exhausting, running from one meeting to another, trying to do at least some schoolwork in any free minute that might pop up and not letting myself break down into pieces.
Things I would pick up from the past few days...
STERK - forum theatre on racism and problems with cultural integration. Per and I are handing the theatre roles over to a bunch of first years and becoming jokers/forum leaders. We had a first rehearsal with them last night. It's always hard to see a new face of something you have been doing for a long time and you somehow created a fixed image of. But I must say, that the first years have started getting into their roles and the slight changes they made in the characters will spice up the play. I think they are a talented and diverse bunch of people and they will do a good job. Their first performance is coming up really really really soon.. this sunday. The first performance is always a bit insecure, but I trust them and I am really happy. They have given a new face to STERK.
Gay straight alliance. I had four meetings yesterday. Most of them kind of stressful. GSA was the last one I went to and also the nicest one. It always sits amongst my most favourite meetings. Perhaps because of the relaxing atmosphere and the sense of ultimate honesty(gosh, it looks really cliche, when it's written down, sorry for that;-)).There is going to be a forum on sexuality next wednesday. I don't really know what to expect. There is going to be a panel (Mariano, Emily,Eduardo and Nikola) and Per and I are going to be chairing the forum, asking questions to the panel and then opening it to the audience. When preparing for it, we found some webpages with "commonly asked questions about sexuality" and found some really weird ones (e.g. "what kind of jobs do homosexuals get?"). Anyways, GSA meetings are always very nice and it's probably one of the times when I think of the Czech Republic the most. When I question the way some of my friends would act or feel towards a homosexual person. From what I have noticed at home (now meaning CZE), the people have definitely shifted their views and are a bit more tolerant, however I can sense how ridiculous SOME ppl find it and that makes me worried. But I guess it's something that we just have to go through. Something that will come with time.
I am going to Dale now to do "leksehjelp". Leksehjelp means helping with homework and it's basically sitting in a school for five hours and being available for students to ask questions - preferably about maths and english, but i guess i could be helpful in some other areas as well, it's just that my norwegian is not that good in some other fields, such as bio or physics :-)
When I get back I am organizing a one hour long rehearsal for the Czech performance for the European show and then a STERK rehearsal...
And btw I have a bio and development studies test tomorrow. yay..

Quote from the door (of FH#203)
"They are inferior. They are women. Remember."
(one of the strongest human right activists at the school :-))


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